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The Story of Homeo Horse

Jennifer Lovejoy has been working in the field of energy and somatic work for almost 20 years. She is an Advanced Soma Structural Integration Practitioner in practice with a specialty in Embodied Presencing, bridging the split between our thinking processes and our deep experience of living in the body.  Jennifer is interested in exploring how we can weave ourselves back into nature, into the greater web of life from which we have removed ourselves.


Through the practice of listening to the non-human world, so much wisdom can be gained. Although Jennifer considers energy and listening to the subtle messages beneath the surface as her native language, the study of Homeopathy has brought forward new layers of complexity and sophistication of listening.  The natural world has so many gifts to give if we learn to listen.   Through the channel of homeopathy, we can learn to tap into the gifts that the plants, minerals and animals of the world wish to offer.  Each individual has their own unique path to healing.


 Jennifer can offer support for the listening between an individual needing healing and the elements that wish to support that individual.  The powerful combination of elements tailored to an individual who is in need can be utterly transformational.  


Jennifer is a lifelong horsewoman who has always been interested in unique ways of being with horses.  In this journey, she finds herself questioning the human ideas of hierarchy and dominance and embracing and learning to embody the horse's ideas of connection and harmony. The Horse is a wisdom holder, one who has offered so much to humanity.  We have so much more to learn.  HomeoHorse is a dedication to the wisdom that is offered to anyone willing to deepen into their own ability to listen.

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"Those who teach us the most about humanity aren't always human."

-Donald Hicks

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